Two new empirical correlations based on proximate and ultimate analyses of biomass used for prediction of higher heating value (HHV) are presented in this paper. The correlations …
Biomass higher heating value (HHV) is the maximum energy released by its complete oxidation. The aim of this mini-review was to synthesize the early efforts of researchers in the …
As biomass becomes more integrated into our energy feedstocks, the ability to predict its combustion enthalpies from routine data such as carbon, ash, and moisture content enables …
To overcome the current energy crisis and deterioration of environmental conditions, production of fuel from sustainable and renewable sources is the major goal for an energy …
Biomass in the form of agricultural residues is becoming popular among new renewable energy sources, especially given its wide potential and abundant usage. Pyrolysis is the …
In energy applications, fuels are processed in various ways according to their types. Experiments conducted with non-optimal processing procedures cause waste of the …
The olive tree was an iconic plant for most of the past Mediterranean civilizations, for which it had important economic value. Here we report the earliest use of fruits and wood from olive …
This paper describes the development of metaheuristic based artificial neural network (ie, ANN optimized with PSO, ANN-PSO) and multilinear regression models to predict the higher …
Biomass is an important renewable energy source and studies on its properties help determine the suitable choice of process to harness this energy for a specific biomass type …