Acute toxicity of Bisphenol A (BPA) to tropical marine and estuarine species from different trophic groups

C Naveira, N Rodrigues, FS Santos, LN Santos… - Environmental …, 2021 - Elsevier
BPA is chemical pollutant of very high concern due to its toxicity to the environment and risks
for human health. Environmental concern consists in BPA entrance into aquatic ecosystems …

Impacts and environmental risks of oil spills on marine invertebrates, algae and seagrass: A global review from an Australian perspective

JK Keesing, A Gartner, M Westera… - … and Marine Biology, 2018 -
Marine invertebrates and macrophytes are sensitive to the toxic effects of oil. Depending on
the intensity, duration and circumstances of the exposure, they can suffer high levels of initial …

Functional response of tropical estuarine benthic assemblages to perturbation by Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons

AG Egres, V Hatje, DA Miranda, F Gallucci, F Barros - Ecological Indicators, 2019 - Elsevier
The potential effects of perturbations by Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) on
nematode and macrobenthos assemblages were investigated using the Biological Traits …

Petroleum biomarkers as tracers of low-level chronic oil contamination of coastal environments: A systematic approach in a subtropical mangrove

MR Garcia, AP Cattani, P da Cunha Lana… - Environmental …, 2019 - Elsevier
Petroleum biomarkers (hopanes, terpanes and steranes) are frequently assessed in
estuarine sediments as tracers of oil input. In order to compare distinct patterns of …

Variability of sedimentary organic matter in subtropical estuarine systems due to anthropogenic and climatic events

MM Wilhelm, AC Cabral, ALL Dauner… - Environmental Earth …, 2023 - Springer
Estuaries are ecosystems that have been changed by climatic and anthropogenic events,
and subtropical estuaries located in the Southern Hemisphere are important examples of …

Oceanography and marine biology: An annual review

SJ Hawkins, AL Allcock, AE Bates, LB Firth, IP Smith… - 2019 -
Oceanography and Marine Biology: An Annual Review remains one of the most cited
sources in marine science and oceanography. The ever increasing interest in work in …

[HTML][HTML] The potential for dispersant use as a maritime oil spill response measure in German waters

M Grote, C van Bernem, B Böhme, U Callies… - Marine Pollution …, 2018 - Elsevier
In case of an oil spill, dispersant application represents a response option, which enhances
the natural dispersion of oil and thus reduces coating of seabirds and coastal areas …

Antioxidant responses in estuarine invertebrates exposed to repeated oil spills: effects of frequency and dosage in a field manipulative experiment

L Sandrini-Neto, L Pereira, CC Martins, HCS de Assis… - Aquatic Toxicology, 2016 - Elsevier
We have experimentally investigated the effects of repeated diesel spills on the bivalve
Anomalocardia brasiliana, the gastropod Neritina virginea and the polychaete Laeonereis …

Oil spill effects on macrofaunal communities and bioturbation of pristine marine sediments (Caleta Valdés, Patagonia, Argentina): experimental evidence of low …

A Ferrando, E Gonzalez, M Franco… - … Science and Pollution …, 2015 - Springer
The Patagonian coast is characterized by the existence of pristine ecosystems which may be
particularly sensitive to oil contamination. In this study, a simulated oil spill at acute and …

Effects of diesel oil spill on macrobenthic assemblages at the intertidal zone: A mesocosm experiment in situ

Z Zhou, X Li, L Chen, B Li, C Wang, J Guo, P Shi… - Marine environmental …, 2019 - Elsevier
The oil spill accidents may drastically impact the environment and ecosystem at intertidal
zones. The spilled oil will penetrate the sediments and accumulate to cause lethal or …