Driven by the requirements for entirely low communication latencies, high bandwidths, reliability and capacities, the Fifth Generation (5G) networks has been deployed in a number …
VO Nyangaresi - High-Confidence Computing, 2023 - Elsevier
Unmanned aerial vehicles offer services such as military reconnaissance in potentially adversarial controlled regions. In addition, they have been deployed in civilian critical …
As the automotive and telecommunication industries advance, more vehicles are becoming connected, leading to the realization of intelligent transportation systems (ITS). Vehicular ad …
VO Nyangaresi - 2021 International Symposium ELMAR, 2021 -
Smart homes security has attracted a lot of attention from both the industry and academia, leading to the development of numerous schemes for both key management and …
Wireless networks have continued to evolve to offer connectivity between users and smart devices such as drones and wireless sensor nodes. In this environment, insecure public …
To ensure secure access to the data held in internet of things, many lightweight authentication schemes have been developed using approaches such as symmetric …
VO Nyangaresi - 2021 IEEE International Conference on …, 2021 -
The fifth generation (5G) networks exhibit high data rates and capacities that endear them to applications such as internet of things (IoT) and mobile banking. Due to sensitivity of data …
VO Nyangaresi - Emerging Technologies in Computing: 4th EAI/IAER …, 2021 - Springer
The packet exchanges over open communication channels expose ad hoc networks data to numerous security and privacy attacks. To address this issue, many schemes have been …
VO Nyangaresi - the 6th International Conference on Combinatorics …, 2021 -
The 5G mmWave networks support massive number of devices and offer salient features such as very low communication latencies and high signal stability. This has seen these …