Antes de la invasión europea en los Andes, las lenguas originarias tuvieron sus procesos de repliegue o expansión, de contacto y transformación. A partir del siglo XVI, tales …
B Mannheim - The Andean World, 2018 -
While Quechua is often represented as unitary, partly because of academic folklore, it is comprised of many Quechuas, differentiated in a two-millennium history, differentiated …
Extraordinary change is under way in the Alto Urubamba Valley, a vital and turbulent corner of the Andean-Amazonian borderland of southern Peru. Here, tens of thousands of Quechua …
NQ Emlen - Studies in Diversity Linguistics, 2019 -
In a small community in the Andean-Amazonian transitional zone of Southern Peru, speakers of Matsigenka use recapitulative linkages in myth narrations. These constructions …
The Andes is the longest terrestrial mountain chain in the world, extending around 7,000 kilometers from Colombia and Venezuela in the north to Tierra del Fuego in the south …
Por lo general, investigaciones tituladas (el) castellano andino o (el) español andino, no se refieren a una variedad homogénea, general o única, sino a alguna de las muchas …