We introduce a coarse-graining transformation for tensor networks that can be applied to study both the partition function of a classical statistical system and the Euclidean path …
We show how to build a multiscale entanglement renormalization ansatz (MERA) representation of the ground state of a many-body Hamiltonian H by applying the recently …
We investigate the use of matrix product states (MPS) to approximate ground states of critical quantum spin chains with periodic boundary conditions (PBC). We identify two regimes in …
We discuss in detail algorithms for implementing tensor network renormalization (TNR) for the study of classical statistical and quantum many-body systems. First, we recall …
The efficient evaluation of tensor expressions involving sums over multiple indices is of significant importance to many fields of research, including quantum many-body physics …
We use the formalism of tensor network states to investigate the relation between static correlation functions in the ground state of local quantum many-body Hamiltonians and the …
In this paper, we apply the formalism of translation invariant (continuous) matrix product states in the thermodynamic limit to (1+ 1)-dimensional critical models. Finite bond …
The critical two-dimensional classical Ising model on the square lattice has two topological conformal defects: the Z 2 symmetry defect D ε and the Kramers-Wannier duality defect D σ …
We consider the time evolution of the gaps of the entanglement spectrum for a block of consecutive sites in finite transverse field Ising chains after sudden quenches of the …