Due to the increasing size of integrated circuits (ICs), their design and optimization phases (ie, computer-aided design, CAD) grow increasingly complex. At design time, a large design …
The field of graph neural networks (GNNs) has seen rapid and incredible strides over the recent years. Graph neural networks, also known as deep learning on graphs, graph …
Z Guo, M Liu, J Gu, S Zhang, DZ Pan… - Proceedings of the 59th …, 2022 - dl.acm.org
Fast and accurate pre-routing timing prediction is essential for timing-driven placement since repetitive routing and static timing analysis (STA) iterations are expensive and …
N Wu, Y Xie - ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), 2022 - dl.acm.org
It has been a long time that computer architecture and systems are optimized for efficient execution of machine learning (ML) models. Now, it is time to reconsider the relationship …
Driven by Moore's law, the chip design complexity is steadily increasing. Electronic Design Automation (EDA) has been able to cope with the challenging very large-scale integration …
Graphs are data structures that effectively represent relational data in the real world. Graph representation learning is a significant task since it could facilitate various downstream …
Graph is powerful for representing various types of real-world data. The topology (edges' presence) and edges' features of a graph decides the message passing mechanism among …
Driven by Moore's law, the chip design complexity is steadily increasing. Electronic Design Automation (EDA) has been able to cope with the challenging very large-scale integration …