U Köthe - arXiv preprint arXiv:2308.02652, 2023 - arxiv.org
Change-of-variables (CoV) formulas allow to reduce complicated probability densities to simpler ones by a learned transformation with tractable Jacobian determinant. They are thus …
S Ubaru, J Chen, Y Saad - SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 2017 - SIAM
The problem of estimating the trace of matrix functions appears in applications ranging from machine learning and scientific computing, to computational biology. This paper presents an …
For applications as varied as Bayesian neural networks, determinantal point processes, elliptical graphical models, and kernel learning for Gaussian processes (GPs), one must …
I Han, D Malioutov, J Shin - International Conference on …, 2015 - proceedings.mlr.press
Logarithms of determinants of large positive definite matrices appear ubiquitously in machine learning applications including Gaussian graphical and Gaussian process models …
T Chen, E Hallman - SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 2023 - SIAM
We introduce an algorithm for estimating the trace of a matrix function using implicit products with a symmetric matrix. Existing methods for implicit trace estimation of a matrix function …
Randomized trace estimation is a popular and well-studied technique that approximates the trace of a large-scale matrix B by computing the average of x^ T Bx x TB x for many samples …
Computation of the trace of a matrix function plays an important role in many scientific computing applications, including applications in machine learning, computational physics …
We present randomized algorithms for estimating the trace and determinant of Hermitian positive semi-definite matrices. The algorithms are based on subspace iteration, and access …
We present an efficient algorithm for maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) of exponential family models, with a general parametrization of the energy function that includes neural …