Global Aging and Declining World Interest Rates: Macroeconomic Insurance through Pension Reform in Cyprus

M Catalán, J Guajardo, AW Hoffmaister - 2008 -
How will the world-wide decline in real interest rates associated with global aging affect
small open economies (SOEs) with aging populations? Lower interest rates will result in …

Dealing with global ageing and declining world interest rates: Fiscal costs and pension reform in small open economies

M Catalán, J Guajardo, AW Hoffmaister - Pensions: An International …, 2010 - Springer
How will the worldwide decline in real interest rates associated with global ageing affect
small open economies (SOEs) with ageing populations? Lower interest rates will result in …

[PDF][PDF] The slow growth and sudden demise of supplementary pension provision in Cyprus

BH Caseya, P Yiallourosb - Cyprus Economic Policy Review, 2013 -
The Cyprus public pension scheme is widely known and commented upon. Less well known
is the system of supplementary retirement provision in Cyprus. Since the second world war …

¿ Quién paga los platos rotos?: el sistema pensional colombiano a través de un modelo de generaciones traslapadas

N Echeverry López - 2021 -
Resumen en español Este trabajo examina las implicaciones económicas de equilibrio
general de mediano y largo plazo de la normatividad actual del sistema pensional …


K Karagyozova-Markova - Годишник на Стопанския факултет на СУ …, 2016 -
The article overviews the existing theories and empirical evidence on the consequences of
population ageing for economic growth. Demographic changes have a direct impact on all …