Galaxy number counts to second order and their bispectrum

E Di Dio, R Durrer, G Marozzi… - Journal of Cosmology …, 2014 -
We determine the number counts to second order in cosmological perturbation theory in the
Poisson gauge and allowing for anisotropic stress. The calculation is performed using an …

The bispectrum of relativistic galaxy number counts

E Di Dio, R Durrer, G Marozzi… - Journal of Cosmology …, 2016 -
We discuss the dominant terms of the relativistic galaxy number counts to second order in
cosmological perturbation theory on sub-Hubble scales and on intermediate to large …

Second-order gauge-invariant formalism for the cosmological observables: complete verification of their gauge-invariance

M Magi, J Yoo - Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2022 -
Accounting for all the relativistic effects, we have developed the fully nonlinear gauge-
invariant formalism for describing the cosmological observables and presented the second …

On the bias of the distance–redshift relation from gravitational lensing

N Kaiser, JA Peacock - Monthly Notices of the Royal …, 2016 -
A long-standing question in cosmology is whether gravitational lensing changes the
distance–redshift relation D (z) or the mean flux density of sources. Interest in this has been …

CMB-lensing beyond the Born approximation

G Marozzi, G Fanizza, E Di Dio… - Journal of Cosmology …, 2016 -
We investigate the weak lensing corrections to the cosmic microwave background
temperature anisotropies considering effects beyond the Born approximation. To this aim …

Cosmological ensemble and directional averages of observables

C Bonvin, C Clarkson, R Durrer… - Journal of Cosmology …, 2015 -
We show that at second order, ensemble averages of observables and directional averages
do not commute due to gravitational lensing—observing the same thing in many directions …

A new approach to the propagation of light-like signals in perturbed cosmological backgrounds

G Fanizza, M Gasperini, G Marozzi… - Journal of Cosmology …, 2015 -
We present a new method to compute the deflection of light rays in a perturbed FLRW
geometry. We exploit the properties of the Geodesic Light Cone (GLC) gauge where null …

Cosmic variance of in light of forthcoming high-redshift surveys

G Fanizza, B Fiorini, G Marozzi - Physical Review D, 2021 - APS
Forthcoming surveys will extend the understanding of cosmological large scale structures up
to unprecedented redshift. According to this perspective, we present a fully relativistic …

Observed galaxy number counts on the light cone up to second order: III. Magnification bias

D Bertacca - Classical and Quantum Gravity, 2015 -
We study up to second order the galaxy number over-density that depends on magnification
in redshift space on cosmological scales for a concordance model. The result contains all …

Do we care about the distance to the CMB? Clarifying the impact of second-order lensing

C Bonvin, C Clarkson, R Durrer… - Journal of Cosmology …, 2015 -
It has recently been shown that second-order corrections to the background distance-
redshift relation can build up significantly at large redshifts, due to an aggregation of …