Data movement between the CPU and main memory is a first-order obstacle against improv ing performance, scalability, and energy efficiency in modern systems. Computer systems …
RowHammer is a circuit-level DRAM vulnerability where repeatedly accessing (ie, hammering) a DRAM row can cause bit flips in physically nearby rows. The RowHammer …
True random number generators (TRNG) sample random physical processes to create large amounts of random numbers for various use cases, including security-critical cryptographic …
Many modern workloads such as neural network inference and graph processing are fundamentally memory-bound. For such workloads, data movement between memory and …
DRAM is the building block of modern main memory systems. DRAM cells must be periodically refreshed to prevent data loss. Refresh operations degrade system performance …
Several manufacturers have already started to commercialize near-bank Processing-In- Memory (PIM) architectures, after decades of research efforts. Near-bank PIM architectures …
To understand and improve DRAM performance, reliability, security, and energy efficiency, prior works study characteristics of commodity DRAM chips. Unfortunately, state-of-the-art …
Commodity DRAM-based processing-using-memory (PuM) techniques that are supported by off-the-shelf DRAM chips present an opportunity for alleviating the data movement …
Processing-using-DRAM (PUD) is a processing-in-memory (PIM) approach that uses a DRAM array's massive internal parallelism to execute very-wide (eg, 16,384-262,144-bit …