MY Kagan, KI Kugel, AL Rakhmanov - Physics Reports, 2021 - Elsevier
We consider the nanoscale electronic phase separation in a wide class of different materials, mostly in strongly correlated electron systems. The phase separation turns out to …
S Zhang, P Zhang, GW Chern - Proceedings of the National …, 2022 - National Acad Sciences
Phase separation plays a central role in the emergence of unusual functionalities of correlated electron materials. The structure of the mixed-phase states depends strongly on …
AE Antipov, Y Javanmard, P Ribeiro, S Kirchner - Physical Review Letters, 2016 - APS
Disorder or sufficiently strong interactions can render a metallic state unstable, causing it to turn into an insulating one. Despite the fact that the interplay of these two routes to a …
Recently, the learning by confusion (LbC) approach has been proposed as a machine learning tool to determine the critical temperature T c of phase transitions without any prior …
MM Maśka, K Czajka - Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials …, 2006 - APS
The two-dimensional Falicov-Kimball (FK) model is analyzed using the Monte Carlo method. In the case of concentrations of both itinerant and localized particles equal to 0.5 we …
KI Kugel, AL Rakhmanov, AO Sboychakov - Physical review letters, 2005 - APS
The phase diagram for doped manganites and related compounds is analyzed in terms of the Kondo-lattice model taking into account an interplay between electrons localized due to …
AO Sboychakov, KI Kugel, AL Rakhmanov - Physical Review B—Condensed …, 2007 - APS
The two-band Hubbard model is used to analyze a possibility of a nonuniform charge distribution in a strongly correlated electron system with two types of charge carriers. It is …
In this paper we introduce an exactly solvable Kondo lattice model without any fine-tuning local gauge symmetry. This model describes itinerant electrons interplaying with a localized …
Luttinger's theorem has long been taken as the key feature of Landau's Fermi liquid, which signals the presence of quasiparticles. Here, by the unbiased Monte Carlo method, violation …