GapBlaster—a graphical gap filler for prokaryote genomes

PHCG de Sa, F Miranda, A Veras, DM de Melo… - PLoS …, 2016 -
The advent of NGS (Next Generation Sequencing) technologies has resulted in an
exponential increase in the number of complete genomes available in biological databases …

Sesame Genome Assembly

H Miao, Y Sun, L Wang, H Zhang - The Sesame Genome, 2021 - Springer
Genome assembly strategy is a crucial step for reconstructing high-quality genomes in any
genome project. With the continuous innovation of new sequencing platforms, various …

Advantages and disadvantages in usage of bioinformatic programs in promoter region analysis

ME Pawełkowicz, A Skarzyńska… - … , Industry, and High …, 2015 -
An important computational challenge is finding the regulatory elements across the promotor
region. In this work we present the advantages and disadvantages from the application of …

Bioinformatics and expressional analysis of cDNA clones from floral buds

ME Pawełkowicz, A Skarzyńska… - … , Industry, and High …, 2017 -
The application of genomic approaches may serve as an initial step in understanding the
complexity of biochemical network and cellular processes responsible for regulation and …

Bioinformatics pipeline for functional identification and characterization of proteins

A Skarzyńska, M Pawełkowicz… - … , Industry, and High …, 2015 -
The new sequencing methods, called Next Generation Sequencing gives an opportunity to
possess a vast amount of data in short time. This data requires structural and functional …

Desarrollo de un protocolo informático para el análisis genómico de organismos procariotas

R Prieto Alvarado - 2023 -
La bioinformática es una subdisciplina científica que se apoya en las ciencias de la
computación para almacenar, analizar, visualizar y anotar información biológica como …

Improving metagenomic assemblies through data partitioning: a GC content approach

F Miranda, C Batista, A Silva, J Morais, N Neto… - … : 6th International Work …, 2018 - Springer
Assembling metagenomic data sequenced by NGS platforms poses significant
computational challenges, especially due to large volumes of data, sequencing errors, and …

Comparative Analysis and Characterization of Industrial Streptococcus Thermophilus Genomes

TFP Isabelinho - 2019 -
A evolução de técnicas de sequenciação de nova geração originou um crescimento
exponencial do número de genomas sequenciados. O pan-genoma permite uma visão …

Desenvolvimento do programa de computador gapblaster: uma ferramenta gráfica para fechamento de gaps em genomas procariotos

FM MIRANDA - 2017 -
Entre os principais desafios que impedem cientistas de usufruírem dos benefícios
decorrentes da montagem de genomas estão os altos custos experimentais, que dificultam …