[图书][B] Inventing Exoticism: Geography, Globalism, and Europe's Early Modern World

B Schmidt - 2015 - books.google.com
As early modern Europe launched its multiple projects of global empire, it simultaneously
embarked on an ambitious program of describing and picturing the world. The shapes and …

[图书][B] Enclosure: Palestinian landscapes in a historical mirror

G Fields - 2017 - books.google.com
Enclosure marshals bold new arguments about the nature of the conflict in Israel/Palestine.
Gary Fields examines the dispossession of Palestinians from their land—and Israel's …

[图书][B] The Culture of Cloth in Early Modern England: Textual Constructions of a National Identity

R Hentschell - 2016 - taylorfrancis.com
Through its exploration of the intersections between the culture of the wool broadcloth
industry and the literature of the early modern period, this study contributes to the expanding …

[图书][B] European Union delegations in EU foreign policy: A diplomatic service of different speeds

F Austermann - 2014 - books.google.com
This first comprehensive study of the EU's diplomatic representation in the world, the EEAS,
this book seeks to understand why it has failed to formulate a centralised policy towards …

The legal cartography of colonization, the legal polyphony of settlement: English intrusions on the American mainland in the seventeenth century

C Tomlins - Law & Social Inquiry, 2001 - cambridge.org
This essay investigates the first century of English colonization of the North American
mainland, concentrating on the charters and letters patent that proponents of western …

Company colonies and historical layering: understanding the Virginia, Somers Isles, and Hudson's Bay Companies

H Whiteside - Review of International Political Economy, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
This paper develops comparative case studies of the Virginia, Somers Isles, and Hudson's
Bay Companies' colonies. The analysis uncovers significant historical layering through …

[图书][B] Religion, race, rights: Landmarks in the history of modern Anglo-American law

E Darian-Smith - 2010 - books.google.com
The book highlights the interconnections between three framing concepts in the
development of modern western law: religion, race, and rights. The author challenges the …

[图书][B] America's urban history

LK Boehm, SH Corey - 2014 - taylorfrancis.com
The history of the American city is, in many ways, the history of the United States. Although
rural traditions have also left their impact on the country, cities and urban living have been …

[图书][B] Staging Spectatorship in the Plays of Philip Massinger

J Rochester - 2017 - taylorfrancis.com
The playwrights composing for the London stage between 1580 and 1642 repeatedly
staged plays-within and other metatheatrical inserts. Such works present fictionalized …

[图书][B] In search of the Hebrew people: Bible and nation in the German enlightenment

O Ilany - 2018 - books.google.com
1. This book considers the image of the Israelite in 18th century Germany. This was
important at the time because new concepts of ethnicity, government, civil society, and …