App Review:" TikTok"--Benefits, Drawbacks, and Implications for the ELT Field.

AL Maretha, KJ Anggoro - Mextesol Journal, 2022 - ERIC
" TikTok" has become one of the latest trends in education and in the ELT field in general
since this application seems to bring potential benefits to the English classroom context …

[PDF][PDF] The impact of flipped learning on Procrastination and students' attitudes toward It

A Abuhmaid, A Mohammad - Universal Journal of Educational …, 2020 -
The current study aimed at investigating the impact of flipped learning model on university
students' procrastination and their attitudes toward flipped learning. The study utilized a …

Перспективы исследования феномена прокрастинации в профессиональной деятельности

ВВ Барабанщикова, ГИ Марусанова - Национальный …, 2015 -
В статье освещается современное состояние проблемы феномена прокрастинации в
профессиональной деятельности, рассматриваются основные неисследованные …

Influence of decision-making styles and affective styles on academic procrastination among students

VM KS, E Rajkumar, R Lakshmi, R John… - Cogent …, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
Academic procrastination is one of the main problems students encounter during studying. It
affects their mental health, academic performance, and even everyday activities. A lack of …

The relationship between the decision-making styles and social entrepreneurship of science and art center principals'

A Akdeniz, M Korkmaz - Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Buca Eğitim …, 2023 -
The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between Science and Art Center
principals' decision-making styles and social entrepreneurship. The study involved 281 …

[PDF][PDF] A Proposed Artificial Intelligence-Based System for Developing E-management Skills in Saudi Primary Schools

AM Hagag, ME Elnaggar, RS Sharaf - European Scientific Journal …, 2023 -
This study aims to investigate the impact of Artificial intelligencedriven solutions on school
leaders' proficiencies. Leaders have the responsibility of making decisions in educational …

Проявление феномена прокрастинации у учителей в зависимости от качества жизни

РМ Хусаинова - Сибирский психологический журнал, 2018 -
Статья посвящена анализу взаимосвязи феномена прокрастинации с показателями
качества жизни учителей. Внимания заслуживает вывод о том, что показатели …

Motivation and decision-making styles at work: A comparison of public private sector managerial positions

U Irum, RS Bajwa, R Khawar - Review of Education, Administration & …, 2020 -
The current study investigated the link between motivation and decision-making strategies of
employees working on managerial positions in different organizations of Multan …

[图书][B] Perceptions of schoolteachers' involvement in educational decision-making in the state of Qatar

RK Abu-Shawish - 2016 -
The purpose of this study is to examine the perspectives of selected high school
administrators and schoolteachers regarding the extent to which schoolteachers should be …

Okul müdürlerinin karar alma stratejileri ve karar alma süreçlerinde iç ve dış paydaş baskısının etkisi

H Marmara, T Atmaca - Kocaeli Üniversitesi Eğitim Dergisi, 2023 -
Bu araştırmada okul müdürlerinin karar alma aşamasında karara etki eden iç ve dış
paydaşlara ilişkin faktörleri tespit ederek karar alma süreçlerindeki paydaş baskısı ortaya …