Artificial wetlands as breeding habitats for shorebirds: A case study on Pied Avocets in China's largest saltpan complex

W Lei, Y Wu, F Wu, T Piersma, Z Zhang… - Frontiers in Ecology …, 2021 -
Artificial wetlands such as coastal saltpans have replaced a number of coastal natural
habitats worldwide and may have accommodated specific waterbird populations in the East …

Występowanie szablodzioba Recurvirostra avosetta w Polsce

A Muszynska - Ornis Polonica, 2022 -
Praca podsumowuje dane dotyczące występowania i lęgów szablodziobów Recurvirostra
avosetta w Polsce. W latach 1945–1977 odnotowano 10 pojawów tego gatunku. Od roku …

Nest survival of black-necked stilts (Himantopus mexicanus) on the upper Texas coast, USA

TV Riecke, WC Conway, DA Haukos, JA Moon… - Waterbirds, 2019 - BioOne
The Black-necked Stilt (Himantopus mexicanus) is a migratory shorebird of temperate and
tropical America. Declining wetland quality and associated declines in hydrological integrity …

Breeding Ecology of the Pied Avocet, Recurvirosrta avosetta (Charadriformes, Recurvirostidae), in Tiffech Lake (Souk Ahras, Northeastern Algeria)

N Boukrouma - Zoodiversity, 2021 -
In this study, the breeding ecology of the Pied Avocet (Recurvirostra avosetta) was studied
during the 2017 breeding season in Tiffech Lake Wetland (868 m in elevation), Northeastern …

Living on the bare edge: fitness consequences for Cape Gannets Morus capensis at Bird Island, Algoa Bay

D Green, P Pistorius - Ostrich, 2013 - Taylor & Francis
Avian breeding colonies often suffer high levels of predation along their margins. Nest
predation is a major fitness concern for parents and therefore nests inside of the colony …

Recovery of a wader bird of conservation concern (pied avocet, Recurvirostra avosetta) after wetland restoration: A 17-years study

P Giovacchini, C Battisti, C Martelli, P Stefanini… - 2023 -
Waders (Charadriiformes) are birds sensitive to change in water levels in wetlands. In this
paper, we report a multi-year trend in abundance of adults, nesting pairs and chicks of a …

Relative importance of island availability and terrestrial predation risk for nesting habitat selection of colonial charadriiformes in Sfax Salina (Tunisia)

MA Chokri, N Sadoul, S Selmi, A Bechet - Revue d'écologie, 2011 -
Résumé En zone Méditerranéenne, les salins sont de plus en plus considérés comme un
habitat particulièrement important pour la nidification des oiseaux d'eau coloniaux …

Lead exposure and nesting ecology of black-necked stilts (Himantopus mexicanus) on the upper Texas coast

T Riecke - Stephen F. Austin State University, Nacogdoches …, 2013 -
The black-necked stilt (Himantopus mexicanus) is a migratory shorebird of temperate and
tropical America, occurring in fresh, intermediate, brackish, and saline wetland habitats …

[PDF][PDF] Behavioral responses to humans and predators in urban and non-urban birds= Emberre és ragadozókra adott viselkedési válaszok városi és nem urbanizált …

E Vincze - 2018 -
ABSTRACT (IN ENGLISH) Urban habitats differ from non-urban habitats in many
environmental characteristics, including the population density of humans and various forms …

Seleção de habitat e conservação de aves nidificantes nas salinas do Samouco

DMLA Fonseca - 2013 -
Os habitats costeiros têm sido muito alterados, isto leva a que as aves costeiras utilizem
habitats artificiais para nidificar. As salinas constituem um habitat alternativo para a …