Y NURFAIZ FATHURRAHMAN - 2023 - digilib.unila.ac.id
Gempa bumi adalah peristiwa bergetarnya bumi akibat adanya pelepasan energi didalam bumi. Parameter sumber gempa bumi diantaranya adalah waktu terjadi gempa (origin time) …
AM Ibrahim - 2023 - library.universitaspertamina.ac.id
Painan city is surrounded by three megathrust zones that are quite dangerous and can generate tsunamis. The three megathrust zones are Nias-Simeulue, Mentawai-Siberut, and …
CK Karisoh, RN Palilingan, J Polii - Jurnal FisTa: Fisika dan …, 2024 - eurekaunima.com
Prior to the eruption of Lokon Volcano on September 13 2014 at 03.09 WITA, there were 62 volcanic earthquake events recorded by seismometers since September 4 2014. This …
ABSTRACT− Earthquakes are one of the natural disasters that can have a significant impact on humans and the environment. This research aims to determine the hypocenter of the …