LW Wardana - Jurnal Kompilasi Ilmu Ekonomi (KOMPILEK), 2014 - journal.stieken.ac.id
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui dampak pembangunan Tol Surabaya Mojokerto terhadap Perekonomian dan Tata Lalu Lintas Kota Mojokerto. Pembangunan Tol Surabaya …
L Deswindi - JIEMS (Journal of Industrial Engineering and …, 2017 - journal.ubm.ac.id
The purpose of this study is to find the ideal system run for passengers elevators facilities, in term of passengers arrivals, load capacity, in and out passengers distribution to each floor …
M Lusiani, E Phalen - JIEMS (Journal of Industrial Engineering …, 2017 - journal.ubm.ac.id
KRL Commuter Line kini merupakan primadona baru dalam bidang transportasi darat bagi masyarakat Jabodetabek. Dengan ongkos yang relatif murah membuat angkutan ini …
A Rosyad, B Dharmawan, DD Putri - IOP Conference Series …, 2021 - iopscience.iop.org
Upland is one of the agroecosystems that has great potential for agricultural business of both food crops, horticulture, and annual crops. Ajibarang is one of the Banyumas' sub …
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dampak pembangunan Jalur Jalan Lintas Selatan (JJLS) terhadap output sektor produksi dan pendapatan rumah tangga Jawa …
The objective of this research is to identify the tourism potential development of Pasir Padi Beach and offer a program of development focusing on improving the tourism attraction …
L Deswindi - JIEMS (Journal of Industrial Engineering and …, 2017 - journal.ubm.ac.id
Jakarta is a city with high level of traffic problems caused by large number of vehicles. To solve this problem, the local government signed the agreement to build a mass rapid …
Jakarta is a city with high level of traffic problems caused by large number of vehicles. To solve this problem, the local government signed the agreement to build a mass rapid …