Hydroclimatic changes associated with global warming over the past 50 years have been documented widely, but physical landscape responses are poorly understood thus far …
Despite the recent prevalence of severe drought, California faces a broadly underappreciated risk of severe floods. Here, we investigate the physical characteristics of …
In the semiarid Southwestern USA, wildfires are commonly followed by runoff-generated debris flows because wildfires remove vegetation and ground cover, which reduces soil …
Atmospheric rivers (ARs) can be a boon and bane to water resource managers as they have the ability to replenish water reserves, but they can also generate million‐to‐billion‐dollar …
Although most landslides are precipitation‐triggered, a number of other complex conditions simultaneously predispose any given slope to failure, with the impact of urbanization posing …
The steep, tectonically active terrain along the Central California (USA) coast is well known to produce deadly and destructive debris flows. However, the extent to which fire affects …
Observational networks enhance real‐time situational awareness for emergency and water resource management during extreme weather events. We present examples of how a …
Successive atmospheric river (AR) events—known as AR families—can result in prolonged and elevated hydrological impacts relative to single ARs due to the lack of recovery time …
Alexander, MA, JD Scott, K. Friedland, KE Mills, JÁ Nye, AJ Pershing, and AC Thomas, 2018: Projected sea surface temperatures over the 21st century: Changes in the mean …