Research on pedestrian pathways in coastal areas is related to facilities provided and access in the area. The characteristic of coastal area is influenced by access to different …
Child pedestrians require an adequate and safe facility to protect during their journey. As there is no standard available yet for child pedestrian facilities, research on its facility is …
Pengembangan hasil penelitian berkaitan dengan shelter pejalan kaki anak diimplementasikan dalam bentuk penerapan produk pada lokasi mitra Sekolah Luar Biasa …
Diseminasi produk teknologi ini merupakan lanjutan pengembangan hasil penelitian sebelumnya tentang disain prototype jalur pejalan kaki anak dengan konsep building blok …
Gazebo is functioning as a temporary place for the user to do the different activities as well as enjoy the outdoor area. The location of the gazebo is including a public park, campus …
[引用][C]Diseminasi Produk Paving Block Berpori dan Disain Infrastruktur Pejalan Kaki Anak di Sekolah SLB Kreasi Mandiri Kecamatan Pineleng, Minahasa Provinsi …