Pengembangan Analisis SWOT UMKM Kopi Cinta Bekasi

A Khairani, T Yunita… - … : Scientific Journal of …, 2023 -
There are many coffee shops in Indonesia, especially in Bekasi City, making Kedai Kopi
Cinta have to maintain its existence so that they are not unable to compete with other coffee …

Peran Guru Bimbingan Konseling Terhadap Kenakalan Remaja di SMA Negeri Ambulu Kabupaten Jember

AR Anjali, GP Rahayu… - … : Scientific Journal of …, 2023 -
Juvenile delinquency behavior is one that is contrary to accepted social customs. The
inability of adolescents to go through physical and psychological growth is what causes …

Analisis Pengaruh Kebijakan Moneter Terhadap Pertumbuhan Ekonomi di Indonesia

L Simanjuntak, L Pardosi… - … : Indonesian Journal of …, 2023 -
Monetary policy is the policy of the monetary authority or central bank in the form of
controlling monetary amounts to achieve the desired development of economic activity …

Strategi Partai Nasdem dalam Meningkatkan Suara pada Pemilu 2019 di Jakarta Selatan

Z Djumadin, A Dowansiba - NeoRespublica: Jurnal Ilmu …, 2023 -
Abstract NasDem selaku Partai Politik yang baru hadir dalam kancah kontestasi Pemilu
2014, kemudian pada hasil Pemilu 2019 mereka meraih peningkatan suara dalam …

Analisis Keefektifan Penggunaan Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Online Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa Kelas VII MTs Al-Inayah

MP Allisanti, M Haiqal, A Fuadin - … : Scientific Journal of …, 2023 -
Education is a very important field for the development and progress of a nation. In an effort
to improve the quality of education, the use of online-based learning media is becoming an …

Memaksimalkan potensi sumber daya manusia pada UMKM Jajanan Mang Ucup di Karawang

Y Firmansyah, FF Fajrurohman… - IJM: Indonesian …, 2023 -
The food and beverage industry is one sector that is growing rapidly, especially the snack
business. The Mang Ucup snack business is one of those in this industry. The Mang Ucup …

Peranan Produktivitas dan Disiplin Kerja Dalam Pengembangan SDM pada Seblak Prasmanan RC

IA Widiastuti, EZL Tari… - … : Indonesian Journal of …, 2023 -
Overall, the purpose of this research is to describe and analyze human resource
development in Seblak Prasmanan RC. This research is in the form of observation or case …

Komunikasi Antara Atasan dan Bawahan Terhadap Motivasi Guru Mengajar di SDN Sumbersari 02 Jember

ICK Ningtias, ME Saputri… - … : Scientific Journal of …, 2023 -
The purpose of this study was to determine the extent to which the atmosphere of
communication and leadership style influenced the motivation to teach SD Sumbersari 02 …

Pengaruh Return on Assets dan Dividend Payout Ratio Terhadap Harga Saham pada Perusahaan Keuangan Sub Sektor Perbankan yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek …

GR Setyaningrum, R Lailasari… - … : Scientific Journal of …, 2023 -
This research was conducted with the aim of partially and simultaneously analyzing the
effect of Return On Assets and Dividend Payout Ratio on Banking Sub Sector Financial …

Memperhatikan Kesopanan dan Ketepatan Berbahasa Mahasiswa Terhadap Dosen UPN “Veteran” Jatim di Media Sosial Whatsapp

P Mukti, SI Marta, SV Gairwyn… - … : Scientific Journal of …, 2023 -
Polite language on social media, especially in the form of chatting, is becoming increasingly
important in this digital era. Chatting or online dialogue is one of the most commonly used …