[PDF][PDF] Towards a low cost adaptation of educational games for people with disabilities

J Torrente Vigil, Á Blanco… - Computer Science …, 2014 - digibuo.uniovi.es
In this paper we analyze how to increase the level of accessibility in videogames by adding
support for it in game authoring software. This approach can reduce the effort required to …

A child's right to play: results from the brain-computer interface game jam 2019 (calgary competition)

D Kelly, Z Jadavji, E Zewdie, E Mitchell… - 2020 42nd Annual …, 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Children with severe neurological disabilities may be unable to communicate or interact with
their environments, depriving them of their right to play. Brain-computer interfaces (BCI) offer …

The Design, Development, and Evaluation of an Accessible Serious Gaming System for Children with Cerebral Palsy

DA Hobbs, BG Wilkinson, MB Hughes… - Virtual Reality Games for …, 2023 - Springer
Engaging children with CP (cerebral palsy) in meaningful therapy or exercise can be
difficult, despite the merits of the intervention, the potential therapeutic benefits that …

Exploring asymmetric roles in mixed-ability gaming

DMC Gonçalves - 2020 - repositorio.ul.pt
Noticeably, the majority of mainstreamgames—digitalgames and tabletopgames—are still
designed for players with a standard set of abilities. As such, people with someformof …