The GOOGLE and XPRIZE $5,000,000 for the practical and socially useful utilization of the quantum computer is the starting point for ontomathematical reflections for what it can really …
LA Hemaspaandra, H Hempel, A Nickelsen - SIAM Journal on Computing, 2004 - SIAM
The nondeterministic advice complexity of the P-selective sets is known to be exactly linear. Regarding the deterministic advice complexity of the P-selective sets---ie, the amount of …
LA Hemaspaandra, H Hempel⋆… - International Computing …, 2001 - Springer
Karp and Lipton, in their seminal 1980 paper, introduced the notion of advice (nonuniform) complexity, which since has been of central importance in complexity theory. Nonetheless …
The study of semifeasible algorithms was initiated by Selman's work a quarter of century ago [Sel79, Sel81, Sel82]. Informally put, this research stream studies the power of those sets L …
LA Hemaspaandr - Bulletin of EATCS, 2021 -
Alan's love of music was deep, and in emails to me he commented that he envied the opera opportunities I'd have on sabbatical in Germany, and when my wife and I lucked into a …
GS Brodal - Bulletin of EATCS, 2021 -
Our dear colleague and friend Lars Arge passed away on December 23, 2020, at the age of 53, way too early. Lars was battling kidney cancer the last years of his life, something he was …
IA Stewart - International Computing and Combinatorics …, 2001 - Springer
We prove that a very basic class of program schemes augmented with access to a queue and an additional numeric universe within which counting is permitted accepts exactly the …
Warmest thanks to Rafael Pass and Muthu Venkitasubramaniam for this issue's guest column," Average-Case Complexity Through the Lens of Interactive Puzzles." When I …
The study of semifeasible algorithms was initiated by Selman's work a quarter of century ago [Sel79, Sel81, Sel82]. Informally put, this research stream studies the power of those sets L …