10 years of EPOC: A scoping review of Emotiv's portable EEG device

NS Williams, GM McArthur, NA Badcock - BioRxiv, 2020 - biorxiv.org
BACKGROUND Commercially-made low-cost electroencephalography (EEG) devices have
become increasingly available over the last decade. One of these devices, Emotiv EPOC, is …

Wavelet analysis based classification of emotion from EEG signal

MR Islam, M Ahmad - 2019 international conference on …, 2019 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Emotions are the most fundamental feature for non-verbal communication between human
and machine. To extract the original expectation of mind, emotion recognition and …

Novel approach for emotion detection and stabilizing mental state by using machine learning techniques

NV Kimmatkar, BV Babu - Computers, 2021 - mdpi.com
The aim of this research study is to detect emotional state by processing
electroencephalography (EEG) signals and test effect of meditation music therapy to …

Human Emotion Detection with Electroencephalography Signals and Accuracy Analysis Using Feature Fusion Techniques and a Multimodal Approach for Multiclass …

NV Kimmatkar, BV Babu - Engineering, Technology & Applied Science …, 2022 - etasr.com
Biological brain signals may be used to identify emotions in a variety of ways, with accuracy
depended on the methods used for signal processing, feature extraction, feature selection …

Low power FIR filter bank for EEG processing using frequency-response masking technique

Z Shang, Y Zhao, Y Lian - 2018 IEEE 23rd International …, 2018 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Different frequency bands in an electroencephalogram (EEG) signal contain different
information. It is very helpful to divide an EEG signal by its sub-bands before applying further …

Mental state detection in classroom based on EEG brain signals

Y Gong, S Xu - Natural Science, 2019 - archive.bionaturalists.in
The goal of this work is to identify human brain waves in different states non-invasively, and
to distinguish them into different levels of mental states in order to provide immediate mental …

The Study of Emotional Brain to Detect Emotions Using Brain EEG Signals and Improving Accuracy of Emotion Detection System Using Feature Selection Techniques

N Vishnupant Kimmatkar, V Babu - Proceedings of the 2022 5th …, 2022 - dl.acm.org
Now a days Emotion detection using brain EEG signal is becoming interest area of many
researchers because of it's tremendous application in healthcare and BCI field. Database …

Biofeedback system and wearable device

S Harrison, A Morgan - US Patent App. 16/633,818, 2020 - Google Patents
A biofeedback system capable of obtaining a real-time EEG response “in the field”, ie while
a user is performing an activity in a real-world (non-clinical) setting, and capable of …

Análisis de señales EEG para la búsqueda de patrones de aprendizaje de personas con ceguera y normovisuales mediante minería de datos

EE Rodríguez López - 2020 - bdigital.dgse.uaa.mx
En la presente investigación se realiza una comparación de los niveles de atención entre
participantes ciegos y normovisuales durante una tarea enfocada al aprendizaje, que …