Faster rcnn target detection algorithm integrating cbam and fpn

W Sheng, X Yu, J Lin, X Chen - Applied Sciences, 2023 -
In the process of image shooting, due to the influence of angle, distance, complex scenes,
illumination intensity, and other factors, small targets and occluded targets will inevitably …

[PDF][PDF] 基于深度学习的高分辨率图像的智能检测

朱雅乔, 史延雷, 马幪朔, 岳峰, 尚志武 - 科学技术与工程, 2021 -
摘要针对高分辨率图像下目标所占面积小ꎬ 检测效果较低, 实时性较差的问题ꎮ
提出了一种基于LDCF-ResNet50 的深度学习模型检测方法ꎮ 以行人检测为例说明此方法的 …