Silicone hydrogel lenses with water-rich surfaces

Y Qiu, JD Pruitt, SJ Thekveli, RC Tucker… - US Patent …, 2013 - Google Patents
The invention is related to a hydrated silicone hydrogel contact lens having a layered
structural configuration: a lower water content silicone hydrogel core (or bulk material) …

Silicone hydrogel lens with a crosslinked hydrophilic coating

Y Qiu, NT Samuel, JD Pruitt, C Kolluru… - US Patent …, 2013 - Google Patents
The invention is related to a cost-effective method for making a silicone hydrogel contact
lens having a crosslinked hydro philic coating thereon. A method of the invention involves …

Polymerizable chain-extended polysiloxanes with pendant hydrophilic groups

F Chang, J Huang, LA Sanders - US Patent 8,993,651, 2015 - Google Patents
US8993651B2 - Polymerizable chain-extended polysiloxanes with pendant hydrophilic groups
- Google Patents US8993651B2 - Polymerizable chain-extended polysiloxanes with pendant …

Chain-extended polysiloxane crosslinkers with dangling hydrophilic polymer chains

S Kuyu, DA Smith, J Huang, F Chang, R Scott… - US Patent …, 2014 - Google Patents
2005/0179862 A1 8, 2005 Steffen EP 455585 A1 6, 1991 2005/0237483 A1 10, 2005
Phelan EP O584. 826 B1 3, 1994 2005/0260249 A1 1 1/2005 Neely EP O677561 A1 10 …

Method for making silicone hydrogel contact lenses

F Chang, J Vogt, JD Pruitt, X Qian, DA Smith… - US Patent …, 2012 - Google Patents
The invention provide a method for making silicone hydrogel based on the Lightstream
Technology from a monomer mixture with a curing time of less than about 100 seconds. The …

Amphiphilic siloxane-containing vinylic monomers and uses thereof

F Chang - US Patent 9,103,965, 2015 - Google Patents
4,276,402 A 6, 1981 Chromecek The invention provides an amphiphilic siloxane-containing
4,327,203 A 4, 1982 Deichert vinylic monomer which comprises one sole ethylenically …

Actinically-crosslinkable siloxane-containing copolymers

J Justynska, B Seiferling - US Patent 8,383,744, 2013 - Google Patents
The invention provide a class of actinically-crosslinkable silicone-containing prepolymers
which comprise dangling polysiloxane chains each having a terminal ethylenically …

Amphiphilic siloxane-containing (meth) acrylamides and uses thereof

F Chang, JS Zhou - US Patent 9,097,840, 2015 - Google Patents
4,189,546 A 2f1980 Deichert lens, which comprises monomeric units derived from an 4.254.
248 A 3, 1981 Friends amphiphilic siloxane-containing (meth) acrylamido group, 4,259,467 …

Silicone hydrogel lens with a covalently attached coating

NT Samuel, D Wu - US Patent 8,557,334, 2013 - Google Patents
The invention provides a cost-effective method for making a silicone hydrogel contact lens
having a hydrophilic coating thereon that is covalently attached to the lens and has a good …

Actinically-crosslinkable siloxane-containing copolymers

F Chang, J Huang, R Scott, G Wang - US Patent 8,642,712, 2014 - Google Patents
In one aspect, the invention provides an actinically 65 crosslinkable prepolymer. The
prepolymer of the invention is obtained by functionalizing an intermediary copolymer to 2 …