Turbidity currents and their deposits

E Meiburg, B Kneller - Annual review of fluid mechanics, 2010 - annualreviews.org
The article surveys the current state of our understanding of turbidity currents, with an
emphasis on their fluid mechanics. It highlights the significant role these currents play within …

[PDF][PDF] The role of sediment and sediment dynamics in the aquatic environment

C Hauer, P Leitner, G Unfer, U Pulg… - … Science for governing …, 2018 - library.oapen.org
The dynamic component in hydrology, sedimentology, and, consequently, river morphology
serves as a backbone for the entire river environment (Maddock 1999). In addition to water …

Deposit structure and processes of sand deposition from decelerating sediment suspensions

EJ Sumner, LA Amy, PJ Talling - Journal of …, 2008 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
Turbidity currents are notoriously difficult to monitor directly, therefore interpretation of their
deposits forms the basis for much of our understanding of these flows. The deceleration rate …

How is a turbidite actually deposited?

Z Ge, W Nemec, AJ Vellinga, RL Gawthorpe - Science Advances, 2022 - science.org
The deposition of a classic turbidite by a surge-type turbidity current, as envisaged by
conceptual models, is widely considered a discrete event of continuous sediment …

Concentration-dependent flow stratification in experimental high-density turbidity currents and their relevance to turbidite facies models

MJB Cartigny, JT Eggenhuisen… - Journal of …, 2013 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
Basal divisions of turbidite deposits often show characteristics that are interpreted as
expression of high-density layers forming at the bases of turbidity currents; however, this link …

Estimating turbidity current conditions from channel morphology: A Froude number approach

OE Sequeiros - Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 2012 - Wiley Online Library
There is a growing need across different disciplines to develop better predictive tools for flow
conditions of density and turbidity currents. Apart from resorting to complex numerical …

Turbulent structures in planar gravity currents and their influence on the flow dynamics

MI Cantero, S Balachandar… - Journal of Geophysical …, 2008 - Wiley Online Library
Direct numerical simulations (DNS) of planar gravity current in the Boussinesq limit have
been conducted with the objective of identifying, visualizing, and describing turbulent …

Hybrid event beds dominated by transitional‐flow facies: character, distribution and significance in the Maastrichtian Springar Formation, north‐west Vøring Basin …

SJ Southern, IA Kane, MJ Warchoł, KW Porten… - …, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
Hybrid event beds comprising clay‐poor and clay‐rich sandstone are abundant in
Maastrichtian‐aged sandstones of the Springar Formation in the north‐west Vøring Basin …

Sediment concentrations, flow conditions, and downstream evolution of two turbidity currents, Monterey Canyon, USA

JP Xu, OE Sequeiros, MA Noble - Deep Sea Research Part I …, 2014 - Elsevier
The capacity of turbidity currents to carry sand and coarser sediment from shallow to deep
regions in the submarine environment has attracted the attention of researchers from …

Long‐range sediment transport in the world's oceans by stably stratified turbidity currents

B Kneller, MM Nasr‐Azadani… - Journal of …, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
Submarine fans, supplied primarily by turbidity currents, constitute the largest sediment
accumulations on Earth. Generally accepted models of turbidity current behavior imply they …