Constructing structural networks of signaling pathways on the proteome scale

G Kuzu, O Keskin, A Gursoy, R Nussinov - Current opinion in structural …, 2012 - Elsevier
Proteins function through their interactions, and the availability of protein interaction
networks could help in understanding cellular processes. However, the known structural …

From conformation to interaction: techniques to explore the Hsp70/Hsp90 network

F AH Batista, L M. Gava, G MS Pinheiro… - Current Protein and …, 2015 -
Proteins participate in almost every cell physiological function, and to do so, they need to
reach a state that allows its function by folding and/or exposing surfaces of interactions …

Dynamic modular architecture of protein-protein interaction networks beyond the dichotomy of 'date'and 'party'hubs

X Chang, T Xu, Y Li, K Wang - Scientific reports, 2013 -
The protein-protein interaction (PPI) networks are dynamically organized as modules and
are typically described by hub dichotomy:'party'hubs act as intramodule hubs and are …

Protein interaction networks as metric spaces: a novel perspective on distribution of hubs

E Fadhal, J Gamieldien, EC Mwambene - BMC systems biology, 2014 - Springer
Background In the post-genomic era, a central and overarching question in the analysis of
protein-protein interaction networks continues to be whether biological characteristics and …

GIT2—A keystone in ageing and age-related disease

J van Gastel, J Boddaert, A Jushaj, RT Premont… - Ageing Research …, 2018 - Elsevier
Since its discovery, G protein-coupled receptor kinase-interacting protein 2, GIT2, and its
family member, GIT1, have received considerable interest concerning their potential key …

GIT2 acts as a systems-level coordinator of neurometabolic activity and pathophysiological aging

B Martin, W Chadwick, J Janssens… - Frontiers in …, 2016 -
Aging represents one of the most complicated and highly integrated somatic processes.
Healthy aging is suggested to rely upon the coherent regulation of hormonal and neuronal …

Identification of essential proteins using induced stars in protein–protein interaction networks

C Vogiatzis, MC Camur - INFORMS Journal on Computing, 2019 -
In this work, we propose a novel centrality metric, referred to as star centrality, which
incorporates information from the closed neighborhood of a node, rather than solely from the …

Predicting the binding patterns of hub proteins: a study using yeast protein interaction networks

CM Andorf, V Honavar, TZ Sen - PloS one, 2013 -
Background Protein-protein interactions are critical to elucidating the role played by
individual proteins in important biological pathways. Of particular interest are hub proteins …

Identifying aging-related genes in mouse hippocampus using gateway nodes

KM Dempsey, HH Ali - BMC systems biology, 2014 - Springer
Background High-throughput studies continue to produce volumes of metadata representing
valuable sources of information to better guide biological research. With a stronger focus on …

Structure-based protein-protein interaction networks and drug design

H Naveed, JJ Han - Quantitative Biology, 2013 - Springer
Proteins carry out their functions by interacting with other proteins and small molecules,
forming a complex interaction network. In this review, we briefly introduce classical graph …