[图书][B] From priest's whore to pastor's wife: clerical marriage and the process of reform in the early German Reformation

ME Plummer - 2016 - taylorfrancis.com
On 13 June 1525, Martin Luther married Katharina von Bora, a former nun, in a private
ceremony officiated by city preacher Johann Bugenhagen. Whilst Luther was not the first …

[图书][B] Clerical Celibacy in the West: c. 1100-1700

H Parish - 2016 - taylorfrancis.com
The debate over clerical celibacy and marriage had its origins in the early Christian
centuries, and is still very much alive in the modern church. The content and form of …

[图书][B] Women and the Counter-Reformation in early modern Münster

S Laqua - 2014 - books.google.com
Women and the Counter-Reformation in Early Modern Münster is the first study of how
women from different backgrounds encountered the Counter-Reformation. The focus is on …

[图书][B] Eros, Wollust, Sünde: Sexualität in Europa von der Antike bis in die frühe Neuzeit

FX Eder - 2018 - books.google.com
Regiert" König Sex" die Welt? Und war das schon immer so? Wie gestalteten sich vor dem
18. Jahrhundert sexuelle Beziehungen vor, in und außerhalb der Ehe? Welche Probleme …

[图书][B] Der Körper des Priesters: Gebrechen im Katholizismus der Frühen Neuzeit

B Röder - 2021 - books.google.com
Muss ein katholischer Priester einen unversehrten Körper haben? Darf ein Geistlicher einen
physischen Makel verbergen? Was geschieht, wenn das weibliche Geschlecht einer Nonne …

[图书][B] Regulating Marriage and Socio-Religious Boundaries: The Reformation and Acts of Nonconformity in Dutch-Speaking Migrant Communities, 1570-1600

DH Fogt - 2023 - search.proquest.com
Historians have examined the Reformations' numerous effects on sixteenth-century beliefs
and practices concerning marriage, the family, and sex. While some historians have extolled …

The Protestant Story: National and Territorial Churches

C Methuen - Entangling Web: The Fractious Story of Christianity …, 2024 - books.google.com
Protestant Europe since the sixteenth century has been characterized by national—or in
some cases territorial—churches, through which political identity and ecclesiastical identity …

Ordering the Reformation Church in England and Scotland

C Methuen - 'Church'at the Time of the Reformation: Invisible …, 2021 - vr-elibrary.de
It is evident unto all men, diligently readinge holye scripture, and auncient aucthours, that
from the Apostles tyme, there hathe bene these orders of Ministers in Christes church …

15. Mechthild Brion und Anna Maria von Löwenfeld: Impulse zur Geschichte von Frauen am geistlichen Hof

M Menne - 2021 - brill.com
Dass die Erforschung von illegitimen Kindern, zumal illegitimen Töchtern, nicht nur in
Paderborn bislang wenig vorangeschritten ist, hat nach Widder unterschiedliche Gründe …

[PDF][PDF] Concubinaries as Citizens

DM Luebke - Studies in Central European Histories, 2018 - library.oapen.org
In a succinct 1972 essay titled “Clergymen as Citizens,” the Göttingen church historian
Bernd Moeller analyzed what he saw as the long-term historical tension in the towns of …