Automatic clustering constraints derivation from object-oriented software using weighted complex network with graph theory analysis

CY Chong, SP Lee - Journal of Systems and Software, 2017 - Elsevier
Constrained clustering or semi-supervised clustering has received a lot of attention due to its
flexibility of incorporating minimal supervision of domain experts or side information to help …

Efficient software clustering technique using an adaptive and preventive dendrogram cutting approach

CY Chong, SP Lee, TC Ling - Information and Software Technology, 2013 - Elsevier
Context Software clustering is a key technique that is used in reverse engineering to recover
a high-level abstraction of the software in the case of limited resources. Very limited …

An automated approach for noise identification to assist software architecture recovery techniques

E Constantinou, G Kakarontzas, I Stamelos - Journal of Systems and …, 2015 - Elsevier
Software systems' concrete architecture often drifts from the intended architecture throughout
their evolution. Program comprehension activities, like software architecture recovery …

Utility classes detection metrics for execution trace analysis

H Abualese, P Sumari, T Al-Rousan… - 2017 8th International …, 2017 -
Execution trace analysis is particularly valuable in the context of object-oriented software
comprehension for the maintenance tasks. It involves analyzing dynamic information and …

A trace simplification framework

H Abualese, P Sumary, T Al-Rousan… - 2017 8th International …, 2017 -
Execution trace analysis is particularly valuable in the context of object-oriented program
comprehension. However, coping with object-oriented execution traces is a very difficult …

[PDF][PDF] Simplifying the structural complexity of software systems

T Al-Rousan, H Abualese - Cybernetics and Information Technologies, 2019 -
Simplification of execution traces is peculiarly important in the case of software
comprehension. The objective is to make execution traces in ways that are more tractable …

Triade a three-factor trace segmentation method to support program comprehension

R Khoury, A Hamou-Lhadj, MI Rahim… - 2019 IEEE …, 2019 -
Trace analysis allows software engineers to gain insights into the behavior of the systems
they maintain, and thus serves as an essential tool to aid in multiple tasks that require an …

Towards the Development of a Cohesive Design-Driven Code Quality Metrics

O Masmali - 2020 -
Software complexity is an indicator of expected future maintenance and sustainability.
Excessive complexity suggests that software or a component of software has a design or …

Compréhension d'un programme à travers la segmentation et l'analyse des traces

MI Rahim - 2019 -
L'analyse des traces permet aux ingénieurs logiciels de mieux comprendre le comportement
des systèmes qu'ils gèrent et constituent donc un outil essentiel pour la réalisation de …

High entropy source models

A Le Gear - Proccedings of the 10th European Conference on …, 2016 -
Architectural recovery techniques depend on an intermediary representation of the source
code called a source model. While completely reliant on the source model the majority of the …