Tempurung kelapa merupakan salah satu sumber material untuk menghasilkan arang, karbon aktif, asap cair, ornament dan kerajinan lainnya. Apabila tempurung kelapa …
Kelapa merupakan salah satu tanaman industri yang memegang peranan penting dalam perekonomian Indonesia. Bagian kelapa yang memiliki nilai ekonomis yang tinggi adalah …
At this time the processing of coconut into coconut flour is widely carried out by factories, especially in areas that have a large population of coconuts. Hal ini disebabkan karena …
Charcoal of coconut shell is produced by pyrolysis at 300 o C and chemically activated using HCl. Both pyrolysis charcoal and chemical activation were measured and analyzed by …
At this time the processing of coconut shells into shell charcoal is very much done by ordinary people, especially in villages that have a large coconut population. This is because …
VHR Mongkito, M Anas, LOR Erniwati, H Anjanihu - carbon, 2020 - researchgate.net
This study aims to determine the effect of variations in the activation temperature on the quality of activated carbon palm bunches using proximate and ultimate analysis. In this …
Dengan banyaknya limbah tempurung kelapa dan cangkang sawit yang tidak dimanfaatkan, membuat penulis berinisiatif untuk mengolah limbah cangkang sawit dan tempurung kelapa …
A Goni, MJ Rampe, A Kapahang… - Int. J. Adv …, 2019 - themultidisciplinaryjournal.com
This study aims to determine the norit structure (Activated carbon) of coconut shell charcoal test results using Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) analysis, X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) and …
Rampe dkk., Analisis struktur mikro dan struktur kristal karbon tempurung kelapa dan polivinil alcohol (PVA) pada temperature tinggi Telah dilakukan kajian struktur mikro dan …