A Moreno, D Páez - Tekhnê, 2017 - revistas.udistrital.edu.co
This article presents the configuration and programming of the SERB robot for use in navigation applications, using as hardware support the Raspberry Pi Model B card, and as …
J Castañeda, Y Salguero - Tekhnê, 2017 - revistas.udistrital.edu.co
This article describes the adjustment of an algorithm developed by the research group for the visual identification of geometric shapes in real time on embedded systems. This …
The first digital signal processing course in most electrical engineering programmes around the world tends to be a significant jump in abstraction for most students. This is a …
Introdução: O COVID-19 chegou de surpresa e, em pouco tempo, mudou os hábitos sociais. O ambiente educacional não ficou imune a essas mudanças e em pouco tempo teve que …