BL Bruso - US Patent 8,221,510, 2012 - Google Patents
A method of processing coal to remove sulfur and other contaminants by mixing coal in a solution of aqueous ammonia having a selected concentration range (preferred range of 3 …
The potential enzyme evaluation of the acidophilic, chemolitotrophic and heterotrophic bacteria specific to the mining biotope is of high interest in the solubilization, recovery and/or …
G Marčiukaitis, G Jurkėnas - Journal of Environmental Engineering …, 2013 - Taylor & Francis
The article notes that not all types of plant origin waste are appropriate for being used as fuel or left for decay. The environment is polluted by noxious gas that is generated in the process …
The objective of research was to examine accurately the potential quality of locally coal and to subsequent implement the preparing technology for improved ignition and clean …
Представлен обзор научной литературы, отраженный в БД и" РЖ Химия". Обзор посвящен опыту зарубежных компаний по обессериванию углей. Подробно описаны и …
The aim of this study is to identify compounds contained in liquid coal by using Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) and X-Ray. GC-MS is used to analyse the …
MM Thi, M Meikhtila, YL Tun - Carbon -
The desulfurization of coal is a pre-processing in order to achieve clean fuel and reduce environmental impacts. In this research, the different coals from Myanmar were collected …
Se evaluó el efecto de adicionar cisteína y sales férricas inorgánicas (cloruro férrico y sulfato férrico) en procesos de biodesulfurización de carbón, bajo dos configuraciones …