Differential susceptibility to the environment: An evolutionary–neurodevelopmental theory

BJ Ellis, WT Boyce, J Belsky… - Development and …, 2011 - cambridge.org
Two extant evolutionary models, biological sensitivity to context theory (BSCT) and
differential susceptibility theory (DST), converge on the hypothesis that some individuals are …

When unreliable cues are good enough

MC Donaldson-Matasci, CT Bergstrom… - The American …, 2013 - journals.uchicago.edu
In many species, nongenetic phenotypic variation helps mitigate risk associated with an
uncertain environment. In some cases, developmental cues can be used to match …

Theoretical aspects of cellular decision-making and information-processing

TJ Kobayashi, A Kamimura - Advances in Systems Biology, 2012 - Springer
Microscopic biological processes have extraordinary complexity and variety at the sub-
cellular, intra-cellular, and multi-cellular levels. In dealing with such complex phenomena …

Linking Information, Knowledge and Evolutionary Growth: A multilevel interplay between natural selection and informed intervention

M Hilbert - Knowledge and Evolutionary Growth: A Multilevel …, 2013 - papers.ssrn.com
This article illustrates a formal link between economic growth and longstanding quantitative
measures of information and knowledge. The link is found by relating two concepts from …

An ensemble approach for inferring semi-quantitative regulatory dynamics for the differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells using prior knowledge

D Lutter, P Bruns, FJ Theis - Advances in Systems Biology, 2012 - Springer
The process of differentiation of embryonic stem cells (ESCs) is currently becoming the focus
of many systems biologists not only due to mechanistic interest but also since it is expected …

[图书][B] Avian invasions: from basic to applied research

M Vallllosera Camps - 2012 - ddd.uab.cat
La preocupació pels greus problemes ambientals i econòmics causats per les invasions
biològiques ha provocat un enorme interès en tractar de comprendre els factors que …