Do individuals with high social background graduate from more rewarding fields of study? Changing patterns before and after the 'Bologna process'

M Triventi, L Vergolini, N Zanini - Research in Social Stratification and …, 2017 - Elsevier
In this article we investigate whether, in Italy, social background is related to graduation from
more rewarding fields of study and if horizontal inequalities in higher education changed …

Le disuguaglianze di istruzione secondo l'origine sociale. Una rassegna della letteratura sul caso italiano

M Triventi - Scuola democratica, 2014 -
In this article I review the literature on educational inequalities according to social
background in Italy, with a focus on quantitative empirical research conducted in the last …

Primary and secondary effects of social background on educational attainment in Italy. Evidence from an administrative dataset

A Ress, D Azzolini - Italian Journal of Sociology of …, 2014 -
The existence of social-background inequality in educational transitions is a well-
established fact in Italy. However, it is still unclear the extent to which these social …

[图书][B] Programmare i territori del welfare. Attori, meccanismi ed effetti

E Polizzi, C Tajani, T Vitale - 2013 -
In una fase di austerità e di riduzione della spesa sociale, la programmazione dei servizi
sociali è considerata un tema strategico, ed effettivamente amministrazioni, operatori …

Eretici e respinti: classi sociali e istruzione superiore in Italia

F Parziale - 2016 -
Eretici e respinti, un titolo che è fertile perché tiene in tensione concetti contrapposti. I
“respinti” sono coloro che, in ragione della propria origine sociale, sono stati relegati nelle …

[图书][B] The new southern European diaspora: Youth, unemployment, and migration

R Ricucci - 2017 -
The New Southern European Diaspora: Youth, Unemployment, and Migration uses a
qualitative and ethnographic approach to investigate the movement of young adults from …

Student mobility in Italy: The increasing role of family background during the expansion of higher education supply

R Impicciatore, F Tosi - Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 2019 - Elsevier
Student mobility is a significant component of Italian internal migration patterns, but its role in
preserving or dismantling social inequalities is still largely under-investigated, especially …

[HTML][HTML] Le magistère intellectuel islamophobe d'Oriana Fallaci. Origines et modalités du succès italien de la «Trilogie sur l'Islam et sur l'Occident»(2001-2006)

B Cousin, T Vitale - Sociologie, 2014 -
Durant les cinq dernières années de sa vie, la journaliste‑écrivain Oriana Fallaci (1929‑
2006) a publié trois pamphlets fortement islamophobes, et néanmoins largement acclamés …

[图书][B] Second generations on the move in Italy: Children of immigrants coming of age

R Ricucci - 2014 -
Second Generations on the Move in Italy: Children of Immigrants Coming of Age offers—by
means of an analytical perspective and in constant comparison with the findings of …

Le disuguaglianze sociali nell'istruzione in una prospettiva comparativa. Il rompicapo del caso italiano

C Barone, L Ruggera - Scuola democratica, 2015 -
The influence of social origin on student performance, as measured in PISA and in other
international assessments of student achievement, looks comparatively weak in Italy. This …