Эта книга представляет собой переработанное и исправленное издание моей работы" Мотивация и личность". Я постарался воплотить в ней итог своих размышлений за …
Historical records show that there was no real concept of probability in Europe before the mid-seventeenth century, although the use of dice and other randomizing objects was …
ONE of the pleasures of completing a lengthy project such as this book is recording the debt of gratitude owed to the many individuals who contributed in so many different ways to the …
NOTE: Since we are not covering the entire book, a selected e-book copy has been made and can be purchased online at: https://create. mheducation. com/shop/at which point you …
Genius: The Natural History of Creativity presents a novel theory of genius and creativity, based on the personality characteristics of creative persons and geniuses. Starting with the …
Lidskému životu nikdy plně neporozumíme, pokud nebudeme brát v úvahu nejvyšší aspirace člověka. Růst, sebeaktualizace, usilování o zdraví, hledání identity a autonomie …
It is impossible to avoid this question when scientific knowledge is the subject of sociological study. Here. one is forced to examine very seriously how far beliefs can be represented as …
KM Colby, S Weber, FD Hilf - Artificial intelligence, 1971 - Elsevier
A case of artificial paranoid has been synthesized in the form of a computer simulation model. The model and its embodied theory are briefly described. Several excerpts from …
Ecology, Ulanowicz argues, needs a more robust central paradigm, and this book presents one derived from current work in information theory, ecosystem energetics, and complexity …