Sperm bauplan and function and underlying processes of sperm formation and selection

ME Teves, ERS Roldan - Physiological Reviews, 2022 - journals.physiology.org
The spermatozoon is a highly differentiated and polarized cell, with two main structures: the
head, containing a haploid nucleus and the acrosomal exocytotic granule, and the flagellum …

Applications and interpretation of computer-assisted sperm analyses and sperm sorting methods in assisted breeding and comparative research

WV Holt, J O'Brien, T Abaigar - Reproduction, fertility and …, 2007 - CSIRO Publishing
Theoretical and practical knowledge of sperm function is an essential requirement in almost
every aspect of modern reproductive technology, if the overarching objective is the eventual …

Scrotal heat stress effects on sperm viability, sperm DNA integrity, and the offspring sex ratio in mice

M Pérez‐Crespo, B Pintado… - Molecular …, 2008 - Wiley Online Library
Evidence exists to suggest detrimental effects of heat stress on male fertility. This study was
designed to assess the effects of scrotal heat stress on mature and developing sperm in a …

Sperm traits and male fertility in natural populations

M Gomendio, AF Malo, J Garde, ERS Roldan - Reproduction, 2007 - rep.bioscientifica.com
Male fertility has seldom been studied in natural populations because it has been assumed
that strong selection would result in uniformly high values among males, and therefore …

Can mammalian mothers influence the sex of their offspring peri-conceptually?

VJ Grant, LW Chamley - Reproduction, 2010 - rep.bioscientifica.com
Fertility preservation is an important type of frontier scientific research in the field of
reproductive health. The culture of ovarian cortices to i) initiate primordial follicle growth and …

Can environmental or occupational hazards alter the sex ratio at birth? A systematic review

ML Terrell, KP Hartnett, M Marcus - Emerging health threats …, 2011 - Taylor & Francis
More than 100 studies have examined whether environmental or occupational exposures of
parents affect the sex ratio of their offspring at birth. For this review, we searched Medline …

Could maternal testosterone levels govern mammalian sex ratio deviations?

VJ Grant - Journal of theoretical biology, 2007 - Elsevier
Although maternal dominance and good condition are frequently associated with raised
offspring sex ratios in mammals, the key factor may be female testosterone, which not only …

Reactive oxygen species generators affect quality parameters and apoptosis markers differently in red deer spermatozoa.

F Martinez-Pastor, E Aisen… - Reproduction …, 2008 - europepmc.org
Fe (2)(+)/ascorbate, hydrogen peroxide (H (2) O (2)), and hypoxanthine/xanthine oxidase
(XOD) are commonly used for inducing oxidative stress on spermatozoa. A comparative …

Sperm population structure and male fertility: an intraspecific study of sperm design and velocity in red deer

M Ramón, AJ Soler, JA Ortiz… - Biology of …, 2013 - academic.oup.com
Sperm design and velocity play key roles in influencing sperm performance and, therefore,
can determine fertilization success. Several interspecific studies have demonstrated how …

Forgotten fathers: paternal influences on mammalian sex allocation

AM Edwards, EZ Cameron - Trends in ecology & evolution, 2014 - cell.com
Sex allocation research in mammals has focussed almost exclusively on mothers under the
assumption that the male contribution is genetically determined during meiosis and …