CT Lystbæk, K Harbo, CH Hansen - NORDIC JOURNAL OF …, 2019 - core.ac.uk
Co-creation has received increasing interest as a way of develop products and services in collaboration with customers and clients. Recently, co-creation has been introduced in …
Framtidas bibliotek er en møteplass. En kulturinstitusjon som lager arrangement for publikum, en debattarena som utvikler og utvider demokratiet og en læringsarena som sprer …
Introduction. The aim of this thesis is to examine use of library didactics in two prominent national libraries. A second aim is to identify digital resources used in the digital library …
T Schreiber, C Moring - Nordic Journal of Library and Information Studies - tidsskrift.dk
The aim of the study is to examine the recursive intertwining of humans and technology in practice in Danish public libraries. Drawing on Karen Barads theory of agential realism, the …
AA Thorsen - Nordic Journal of Library and Information Studies, 2020 - tidsskrift.dk
The aim of this paper is to investigate how an increasing fraction of the Danish libraries over the last years has experimented with lending of non-traditional materials. The main purpose …
T Schreiber - Nordisk Tidsskrift for Informationsvidenskab og …, 2018 - tidsskrift.dk
Resumé Using actor network theory (ANT) as a starting point, the aim of the paper is to describe relationships between heterogenous actors in a particular kind of library work and …
It is claimed that today's professions are challenged and that they may disappear, either because more tasks are automated, or somewhat less dramatically-because the professions …
The connection between democracy, empowerment, and participation at the political level is clear: without an empowered citizenry that are willing and able to shape their own future and …
Bakgrund Minoritetspolitik är sedan 2000 ett eget politikområde som inrättades som en följd av att Sverige i februari 2000 ratificerade två Europarådskonventioner, dels den europeiska …