Effect of malocclusion on jaw motor function and chewing in children: a systematic review

A Alshammari, N Almotairy, A Kumar… - Clinical oral …, 2022 - Springer
Objective To investigate the effects of dental/skeletal malocclusion and orthodontic treatment
on four main objective parameters of chewing and jaw function (maximum occlusal bite force …

Surface EMG in clinical assessment and neurorehabilitation: barriers limiting its use

I Campanini, C Disselhorst-Klug, WZ Rymer… - Frontiers in …, 2020 - frontiersin.org
This article addresses the potential clinical value of techniques based on surface
electromyography (sEMG) in rehabilitation medicine with specific focus on …

From periodontal mechanoreceptors to chewing motor control: A systematic review

MG Piancino, G Isola, R Cannavale, G Cutroneo… - Archives of oral …, 2017 - Elsevier
Purpose This critical review summarizes the current knowledge of the structural and
functional characteristics of periodontal mechanoreceptors, and understands their role in the …

Chewing patterns and muscular activation in deep bite malocclusion

MG Piancino, A Tortarolo, L Di Benedetto… - Journal of Clinical …, 2022 - mdpi.com
Background: Deep bite, a frequent malocclusion with a high relapse rate, is associated with
craniofacial features that need to be considered in the course of orthodontic treatment …

Novel functional indices of masticatory muscle activity

M Ginszt, G Zieliński - Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2021 - mdpi.com
The aim of the present study was to analyze novel functional indices of masticatory muscle
activity and compare them to existing and commonly used indices in patients with …

Evaluation of masticatory muscle activity in patients with unilateral posterior crossbite before and after rapid maxillary expansion

A Michelotti, R Rongo, R Valentino… - European journal of …, 2019 - academic.oup.com
Objectives The relationship between unilateral posterior crossbite (UPCB) and the possible
asymmetric activation of the jaw muscles in children is still under debate. This study aimed at …

Critical appraisal of surface electromyography (sEMG) as a taught subject and clinical tool in medicine and kinesiology

V Medved, S Medved, I Kovač - Frontiers in Neurology, 2020 - frontiersin.org
The characteristics and state of knowledge of bioelectric signals such as ECG, EEG, and
EMG are initially discussed. This serves as the basis for exploration of the degree of …

2D vs. 3D radiological methods for dental age determination around 18 Years: a systematic review

D Dalessandri, I Tonni, L Laffranchi, M Migliorati… - Applied Sciences, 2020 - mdpi.com
The age of a living human being can be determined by applying a number of different
methods; the most diffused are skeletal and dental methods, both principally based on X …

[HTML][HTML] The impact of orthodontic treatment on masticatory performance: a literature review

G Zanon, L Contardo, B Reda - Cureus, 2022 - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
The aim of this narrative review was to evaluate the possible association between
orthodontic therapy and improved masticatory function. A search strategy was conducted …

Evaluation of masticatory muscles function in different malocclusion cases using surface electromyography

SE Nishi, R Basri, MK Alam, S Komatsu… - Journal of Hard Tissue …, 2017 - jstage.jst.go.jp
A malocclusion is a misalignment or incorrect relation between the teeth of the two dental
arches when they approach each other as the jaws close. It has been suggested that …