Edible film is a thin layer that serve as the packaging or upholstery as well as food that can be eaten with a product. It is packaged and can be degraded by nature. Potato starch can be …
AR Palungki, N Auliah, NAC Imani - Jurnal Teknik Kimia USU, 2022 - talenta.usu.ac.id
Tomat (Solanum lycopersicum L.) sangat rentan terhadap kerusakan dan memiliki daya simpan yang relatif singkat. Produksi tomat yang jumlahnya selalu semakin meningkat …
S Rahmawati, A Aulia, N Hasfah, S Nuryanti… - … homepage: http://iieta …, 2021 - academia.edu
Accepted: 18 February 2021 Starch is one of the basic ingredients for making edible films (edible coatings), but it tears easily, so it needs the addition of plasticizers. This study aims to …
SS Santi, APK Hariyanto… - Nusantara Science and …, 2020 - nstproceeding.com
Nowadays the use of plastics has become an important material so that the demand for home products as well as in industrial production is increasing. The activity of using plastics …
W Warkoyo, ADA Taufani… - … Jurnal Teknologi Industri …, 2021 - journal.trunojoyo.ac.id
The gel found in okra fruit is a long-chain hydrocolloid polysaccharide which can be used as a stabilizer in edible films. Previous study showed that addition of cmc and glyserol 0.50 …
Satoimo (Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott var antiquorum) is a type of taro which has a small tuber size (small corm taro), also known as Japanese taro. CMC (Carboxy Methyl Cellulose) …
Post-harvest handling of medicinal plants (MP) is an important process for providing medicinal materials which either directly used as a simplicia or further processed products …
IA Wardana, R Dewati - Chempro, 2021 - chempro.upnjatim.ac.id
Edibel film merupakan kemasan plastik ramah lingkungan yang berbentuk lembaran tipis dibuat dari bahan yang dapat dimakan, bersifat transparan. Penelitian imi untuk membuat …