SM Fricella, MAWW Mamonto - Daengku: Journal of Humanities and …, 2023 -
This research will answer the role of the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) towards Indonesian citizens as consumers in supervising processed food advertisements …
AM Wibowo - Jurnal Meta-Yuridis, 2022 -
Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis tanggung jawab hukum pelaku usaha terhadap penyesatan asal daerah suatu barang dan menganalisis akibat hukum bagi pelaku usaha …
Tanggung jawab terkait perkembangan teknologi saat ini sangat pesat termasuk dalam kegiatan perekonomian. Kegiatan berbelanja sekarang jadi lebih mudah karena dapat …
This study aims to analyze the legality of electronic-based micro-small businesses. the research method used is sociolegal legal research. Business legality is a legal procedure for …
FD Hutagalung - Jurnal Privat Law -
This article aims to examine the importance of transparency in health insurance company services from the perspective of consumer protection law. This research is a doctrinal …