R Obokata, L Veronis, R McLeman - Population and environment, 2014 - Springer
This paper presents the findings of a systematic review of scholarly publications that report empirical findings from studies of environmentally-related international migration. There …
Night-time satellite imagery provided by the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program's Operational Linescan System (DMSP OLS) is evaluated as a means of estimating the …
We've all heard that a father's involvement enriches the lives of children. But how much have we heard about how having a child affects a father's life? As Peter Gray and Kermyt …
The sixth edition of Environment and Society continues to connect issues about human societies, ecological systems, and the environment with data and perspectives from different …
Most women in the West use contraceptives in order to avoid having children. But in rural Gambia and other parts of sub-Saharan Africa, many women use contraceptives for the …
İÇİNDEKİLER ÖNSÖZ XVİİ 1. SOSYOLOJİ, TEMEL KAVRAM VE YAKLAŞIMLAR 1 Sosyoloji Nedir? 3 Sosyolojinin Temel İlgi Alanları 6 Sosyolojinin Doğuşu 7 İbn Haldun ve …
Demography is the study of population structure and change. As modern society becomes ever more complex, it becomes increasingly important to be able to measure accurately all …