'Including all of the Faculty of Law and Center for Law and Business, National University of Singapore. Earlier drafts of this article were presented at the 3rd NUS-Sydney Law …
The main finding of this article is that sustainability and the broader concept of social responsibility imply a change in the spirit of governance, which promotes the so-called'de …
A publicly-held corporation maintains a system of governance through separation of ownership and control of the firm. Under this framework, corporations attract capital and …
G Goto, AK Koh, DW Puchniak - Vand. J. Transnat'l L., 2020 - HeinOnline
Since the UK adopted the world's first stewardship code in 2010, stewardship codes have proliferated across Asia. Given the UK Code's prominence, it is tempting to assume that …
DW Puchniak, LL Lan - The American Journal of Comparative …, 2017 - academic.oup.com
At first blush, the rise of independent directors in Singapore provides a straightforward example of a successful legal transplant from the West to Asia. In 2001, Singapore …
The derivative action in Asia presents a tantalizing topic for comparative corporate law scholarship.'To start, the derivative action, which has its historic roots in the United States …
There is no question that the United States relies heavily on foreign direct investment (" FDI") for its economic health. 1 FDI has played an important role in much of the history of the …
1 In 2018,[1] Colin Mayer, a stalwart of the British Academy, published Prosperity.[2] The Book is the new “bible” of corporate governance that “is destined to change the world”, says …
For over two decades, Japan has ostensibly had all of the essential elements that leading academics and sophisticated investors have assumed to be sufficient for a country to …