RC Araújo Filho, ACR Nogueira, RN Araújo - Journal of South American …, 2020 - Elsevier
In this study, we propose a new stratigraphic framework for a well-preserved Paleoproterozoic succession of the Carajás Basin (Amazonian craton) in northern Brazil. A …
A striking feature of the Carajás region, Brazil, is the clustering of a variety of different types of Cu-Au deposits. The most abundant in the belt are the> 200 million metric tons (Mt) of Fe …
A multi-proxy geochemical study of surficial sediments of an upland lake (Amendoim Lake), located in the Serra dos Carajás region, Brazil, was carried out to understand catchment …
Geochemical and isotopic compositions of surficial sediments from a plateau lake in Carajás, Southeastern Amazon region, were investigated to understand the spatial …
CEGR Schaefer, HN Lima, WG Teixeira, JF do Vale… - The Soils of Brazil, 2023 - Springer
Abstract The Brazilian Amazonia region can be conveniently separated into 11 sectors, which represent large pedoenvironments at a continental scale. In a global panorama of the …
This book represents the first comprehensive edition, in English, on the soils of Brazil, in the challenge of illustrating all the biomes of a country of truly continental dimension. In addition …
RVL Pinheiro, RE Holdsworth - Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 1997 - Elsevier
The N-4 banded ironstones of the Serra dos Carajás region, Brazil, form the largest iron-ore deposit currently being mined in South America. The ironstones belong to the Grão Pará …
The Carajás-Cinzento fault system is centred within the Itacaiunas Shear Zone, the northern tectonic margin of the Archaean Sul do Pará Granite Greenstone Terrain of the Amazonian …
A seqüência metavulcanossedimentar (~ 2, 76 Ga) do Grupo Grão Pará, Supergrupo Itacaiúnas, é formada por derrames basálticos sotopostos e sobrepostos a jaspilitos; riolitos …