This paper examines how users of anthropomorphised artificially intelligent (AI) agents, which possess capabilities to mimic humanlike behaviour, relate psychologically to such …
ECX Aw, LI Labrecque - Journal of Consumer Marketing, 2020 -
Purpose As celebrity endorsements have extended from traditional media to social media, the role of celebrities has been amplified and celebrities have been able to establish …
Empathy features a tension between automaticity and context dependency. On the one hand, people often take on each other's internal states reflexively and outside of awareness …
Adolescents are often described as a strange and different species that behaves like no other age group, typical behaviours being excessive risk-taking and sensitivity to peer …
Nine studies examined the construct validity of the Need to Belong Scale. The desire for acceptance and belonging correlated with, but was distinct from, variables that involve a …
The idea that social motivation deficits play a central role in Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) has recently gained increased interest. This constitutes a shift in autism research …
The motivation to seek social contact may arise from either positive or negative emotional states, as social interaction can be rewarding and social isolation can be aversive. While …
American universities increasingly admit first-generation college students whose parents do not have 4-year degrees. Once admitted, these students tend to struggle academically …
C Good, A Rattan, CS Dweck - Journal of personality and social …, 2012 -
Sense of belonging to math—one's feelings of membership and acceptance in the math domain—was established as a new and an important factor in the representation gap …