[图书][B] Putting linguistics into speech recognition: The regulus grammar compiler

M Rayner, BA Hockey, P Bouillon - 2006 - Citeseer
This book provides a detailed overview of Regulus, an open-source toolkit for building and
compiling grammars for spoken dialog systems, which has been used for a number of …

[PDF][PDF] Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar: Linguistic approach, formal foundations, and computational realization

RD Levine, WD Meurers - The encyclopedia of language and …, 2006 - wiki.eecs.yorku.ca
The theoretical richness, formal rigor and computational versatility of Head-driven Phrase
Structure Grammar (HPSG) preclude any kind of in-depth coverage of its content within the …

[PDF][PDF] Efficient HPSG Parsing with Supertagging and CFG-Filtering.

T Matsuzaki, Y Miyao, Jun'ichi Tsujii - IJCAI, 2007 - Citeseer
An efficient parsing technique for HPSG is presented. Recent research has shown that
supertagging is a key technology to improve both the speed and accuracy of lexicalized …

[PDF][PDF] On the efficient implementation of German verb placement in HPSG

B Crysmann - Proceedings of RANLP, 2003 - researchgate.net
We report on significant performance gains (factor> 5.5 with ceiling effect, 14.7 without) that
can be achieved by a redesign of the implementation of verbmovement in an HPSG for …

Efficient feature structure operations without compilation

R Malouf, J Carroll, A Copestake - Natural Language Engineering, 2000 - cambridge.org
One major obstacle to the efficient processing of large wide coverage grammars in
unification-based grammatical frameworks such as HPSG is the time and space cost of the …

[PDF][PDF] Towards efficient HPSG generation for German, a non-configurational language

B Crysmann, W Packard - Proceedings of COLING 2012, 2012 - aclanthology.org
In this paper, we propose a rule-based method to improve efficiency in bottom-up chart
generation with GG, an open-source reversible large-scale HPSG for German. Following an …

An HPSG parser with CFG filtering

K Torisawa, K Nishida, Y Miyao… - Natural Language …, 2000 - cambridge.org
This article presents an HPSG parser using a technique called CFG filtering. The parser
predicts possible parse trees using a CFG generated automatically from a given HPSG …

[PDF][PDF] Plug and play speech understanding

M Rayner, I Lewin, G Gorrell, J Boye - Proceedings of the Second …, 2001 - aclanthology.org
Plug and Play is an increasingly important concept in system and network architectures. We
introduce and describe a spoken language dialogue system architecture which supports …

Efficient and robust parsing of word hypotheses graphs

B Kiefer, HU Krieger, MJ Nederhof - Verbmobil: Foundations of speech-to …, 2000 - Springer
This paper describes the successful metamorphosis of PAGE from a string-based grammar
development system to an efficient run time system, operating on word hypotheses graphs …

[PDF][PDF] A baseline method for compiling typed unification grammars into context free language models.

M Rayner, J Dowding, BA Hockey - INTERSPEECH, 2001 - researchgate.net
This paper presents a minimal enumerative approach to the problem of compiling typed
unification grammars into CFG language models, a prototype implementation and results of …