Past, present, and future of EEG-based BCI applications

K Värbu, N Muhammad, Y Muhammad - Sensors, 2022 -
An electroencephalography (EEG)-based brain–computer interface (BCI) is a system that
provides a pathway between the brain and external devices by interpreting EEG. EEG …

Categorical and dimensional affect analysis in continuous input: Current trends and future directions

H Gunes, B Schuller - Image and Vision Computing, 2013 - Elsevier
In the context of affective human behavior analysis, we use the term continuous input to refer
to naturalistic settings where explicit or implicit input from the subject is continuously …

What we can and cannot (yet) do with functional near infrared spectroscopy

M Strait, M Scheutz - Frontiers in neuroscience, 2014 -
Functional near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) is a relatively new technique complimentary to
EEG for the development of brain-computer interfaces (BCIs). NIRS-based systems for …

Classification of EEG-based emotion for BCI applications

M Mohammadpour, SMR Hashemi… - 2017 Artificial …, 2017 -
Emotion plays an important role in human daily life and is a significant feature for interaction
among people. Due to having adaptive role, it motivate human to respond stimuli in their …

A survey of technologies on the rise for emotion-enhanced interaction

D Cernea, A Kerren - Journal of Visual Languages & Computing, 2015 - Elsevier
Emotions are a major part of the human existence and social interactions. Some might say
that emotions are one of the aspects that make us truly human. However, while we express …

10 years of EPOC: A scoping review of Emotiv's portable EEG device

NS Williams, GM McArthur, NA Badcock - BioRxiv, 2020 -
BACKGROUND Commercially-made low-cost electroencephalography (EEG) devices have
become increasingly available over the last decade. One of these devices, Emotiv EPOC, is …

Facial expression recognition based on electroencephalogram and facial landmark localization

D Li, Z Wang, Q Gao, Y Song, X Yu… - Technology and Health …, 2019 -
BACKGROUND: Facial expression recognition plays an essential role in affective
computing, mental illness diagnosis and rehabilitation. Therefore, facial expression …

Mental state space visualization for interactive modeling of personalized BCI control strategies

I Kuzovkin, K Tretyakov, A Uusberg… - Journal of Neural …, 2020 -
Objective. Numerous studies in the area of BCI are focused on the search for a better
experimental paradigm—a set of mental actions that a user can evoke consistently and a …

Using EEG artifacts for BCI applications

W Ma, D Tran, T Le, H Lin… - 2014 International Joint …, 2014 -
Brain computer interface (BCI) is about the communication channel between the brain of a
human subject and a computerized device. Electroencephalography (EEG) signals are the …

Using near infrared spectroscopy to index temporal changes in affect in realistic human-robot interactions

M Strait, M Scheutz - Special Session on recognition Of Affect …, 2014 -
Recent work in HRI found that prefrontal hemodynamic activity correlated with participants'
aversions to certain robots. Using a combination of brain-based objective measures and …