A major threat to small mammalian carnivore populations is human‐induced land use change, but conservation and management are inhibited by limited knowledge about their …
Shifts in habitat selection may serve as behavioral indicators of changing habitat quality and can provide an insight into the effects of chronic disturbance on wildlife populations before …
Restoration structures such as post-harvest woody debris piles on large clearcut openings may provide habitat for many mammal species. Mustelids such as the American marten …
The consumption of an astounding one million acres resulted from California's largest single fire to date, the 2021 Dixie Fire. The social and economic losses associated with the fire …
Many wildlife species use similar resources, leading to the potential for overlapping niches. These overlaps can create negative interspecific interactions, including different forms of …
The ringtail (Bassariscus astutus) is a small, nocturnal, meso-carnivore that occupies mid- elevation forests in the southwest portion of Oregon. Ringtail are fully protected within …
Abstract The Humboldt marten (Martes caurina humboldtensis) is a species facing conservation concern in Oregon and California. Historical populations were subjected to …