The rapid development of technology for mobile communication systems continues to evolve. The 4G system provides a comprehensive IP solution where voice, data, and …
S Budiyanto, I Pratama - 2020 2nd International Conference on …, 2020 -
Academic Information System is a system used for academic data management with the application of computer technology, both hardware and software. Operating an academic …
NAS Bauomy - IETE Journal of Research, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
With the rapid growth of mobile networks, maintenance is becoming more complex, time- consuming, and expensive. One of the most important requirements of network operators …
Network survivability is a very important issue due to the sustainability of the network services. Failure in a network system conduce to disturbance of the network services and …
Abstrak Analisis Key Performance Indicator (KPI) yang diselaraskan dengan Quality of Service merupakan parameter untuk mengevaluasi kinerja sebuah jaringan. Telkomsel …
S Budiyanto, AH Machsuni - 2020 2nd International Conference …, 2020 -
Needs for rapid data services on telecommunications networks continues to increase. The amount of data traffic every year always increases while voice traffic tends to stagnate or …
A Tyagi, A Singh, SH Gupta, M Mishra - Data Engineering and Intelligent …, 2021 - Springer
The excessive enhance in the number of subscribers in the wireless cell network, due to which the Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) facing the immense issues in giving the high …
The Rancaekek region is one of the potential market areas in Bandung Regency because of its strategic location, so it requires a network capacity capable of providing data services to …