CO Webb - The American Naturalist, 2000 -
Because of the correlation expected between the phylogenetic relatedness of two taxa and their net ecological similarity, a measure of the overall phylogenetic relatedness of a …
Background Analyses of biomolecules for biodiversity, phylogeny or structure/function studies often use graphical tree representations. Many powerful tree editors are now …
Motivation: Previous studies have shown that accounting for site-specific amino acid replacement patterns using mixtures of stationary probability profiles offers a promising …
Evolutionary biologists tend to tread cautiously when considering how behavioral data might be incorporated into phylogenetic analyses, largely because of the preconception that …
Missing data are a widely recognized nuisance factor in phylogenetic analyses, and the fear of missing data may deter systematists from including characters that are highly incomplete …
Phylogenetic relationships within the genus Cladonia, including Cladina (Cladoniaceae, Lecanoromycetes), were reconstructed based upon simultaneous analyses of DNA …
The Pantropical spider clade Nephilidae is famous for its extreme sexual size dimorphism, for constructing the largest orb‐webs known, and for unusual sexual behaviors, which …
In this history of numerical taxonomy since the publication in 1963 of Sokal and Sneath's Principles of Numerical Taxonomy, I include reminiscences of the reactions of biologists in …
Phylogeography is concerned with the observation, description and analysis of the spatial distribution of genotypes and the inference of historical scenarios. In the past, the discipline …