N Umaña-Barrios, A San Gil - Procedia engineering, 2017 - Elsevier
Abstract Today, 70% of the world's poor are women. Women walk distances that are between 11-16% longer than men, make approximately 15% more journeys than men and …
V Lagos, Á Muñoz, C Zulehner - Available at SSRN 3370411, 2019 - papers.ssrn.com
In this paper we empirically assess the impact of the deployment of Uber on the incidence of drunk-driving fatal traffic accidents and fatalities in Chile. Based on observational data about …
Past research has shown that the experience of a woman traveling in her city is dramatically different from that of a man in the same city. The relationship between a woman and urban …
Todos los años el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID) presenta en su publicación emblemática, Desarrollo en las Américas (DIA), una investigación profunda sobre uno de …
This chapter explores some of the urban conditions that can impact violence against women levels the Latin American and Caribbean cities. After delving more deeply into the …
Every year the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) presents in its flagship publication, Development in the Americas (DIA), an in-depth investigation into one of the main economic …
AL Morales Vargas - 2021 - repository.library.carleton.ca
Research interest in gender mobility is increasing, emphasizing the need to incorporate women's perspectives and experiences in the planning and design of public transportation …
LE Escorcia Moreno - 2022 - manglar.uninorte.edu.co
Desde finales del siglo anterior, la literatura reporta barreras de género en transporte, siendo las mujeres las que en mayor desventaja están debido a que no pueden satisfacer …
This doctoral thesis studies questions relevant for public policies in the context of the digital transformation of the world economy. It examines new situations and public interventions on …